Khoekhoe and San (2024)

Khoisan languageThe Khoekhoe (also spelled Khoikhoi) and the San are two related peoples who live in southern Africa. Their languages belong to the Khoisan language group. Khoisan languages are unusual because they include click sounds.

Early European settlers called the Khoekhoe “Hottentots.” They called the San “Bushmen.” These names now may be considered offensive.

Khoekhoe and San (1)In the past, both groups were nomadic. Today most Khoekhoe live in rural settlements in South Africa or Namibia. Most San also live in rural areas, mainly in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. Groups of San also live in Namibia and Angola.

The Khoekhoe were the first livestock farmers in southern Africa. Khoekhoe is the name they called themselves. It means “men among men” or “real people.” They looked down on the hunting people.

The Khoekhoe kept herds of livestock, which included goats, sheep, and later cattle. They had to move around to find pasture for the livestock. As they moved, they took their houses with them. These houses had a framework of thin poles covered with reed mats. Their clothes were made from animal skins.

The Khoekhoe were very religious. They believed in life after death. People who died had their most precious possessions buried with them.

The San were the earliest hunter-gatherers in southern Africa. They began creating rock art thousands of years ago. It shows their way of life and their faith. Like the Khoekhoe, the San were very religious.

The San were good hunters and trackers. They hunted wild antelopes with bows and poisoned arrows. They also threw sticks and sometimes spears. They lived in harmony with nature and roamed in family groups. Their name means “bush dwellers.”

Small nomadic groups of hunter-gatherers have been living in Africa since the Stone Age. These nomadic groups were the ancestors of the Khoekhoe and the San.

In more recent times, many Khoekhoe and San were killed in wars. They fought with each other, with other African groups, and with white settlers. In 1713 Europeans brought smallpox to southern Africa. A smallpox epidemic caused the deaths of many Khoekhoe, San, and other indigenous (native) people.

Today the descendants of the Khoekhoe are widely spread among African communities. Some groups of San have kept their traditional nomadic way of life, especially in the Kalahari.

Khoekhoe and San (2024)
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