I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (2024)

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (1)

Modern daily life can put strain on our hip joints and our legs. And the more overweight you are, the higher the risk of joint pain.

Weight loss is often the best course of action in dealing with joint pain, and with almost 70% of Northern Americans being overweight, it’s common to leave the explanation at that.

Yet, it’s not only joint problems that cause issues in the hips and legs.

Hip pain can often radiate down the leg and masquerade as a source of discomfort in your knee or lower leg and, with doctors and specialists pushing the concept of joint stiffness and problems, it’s easy to generalize and cast your own diagnosis.

While joint stiffness shares a common denominator with any hip/leg issue, in that it makes daily activities harder to perform, there are often other factors at play.

Hip pain can stem from anywhere in the area, with this pain fed down the nerves that travel down into the lower leg. This can cause affliction in the thigh, the knee, and down towards your feet.

So what’s the potential diagnosis? Here are some of the most common causes of pain that radiate from the hip and down your leg.

Hip Osteoarthritis

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (2)

Sounds like something big and scary, but osteoarthritis is the common wear-and-tear of the hip joint. This condition commonly causes a sensation of deep aching in the groin and hip area, but can spread through areas below your knee.

This kind of pain is often worse after a night’s sleep, or a prolonged period of resting, sitting, or physical movement. At the risk of causing the squeamish among us to wince, osteoarthritis can cause a grinding sound and a locking/sticking sensation to occur.

Labral Tear Of The Hip

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (3)The labrum is a cup-shaped rim of cartilage that lines the ball-and-socket joint, and reinforces the shape of your hip (just as the same ‘design’ does for your shoulder). When this cartilaginous ring around the acetabulum (hip socket) tears or becomes damaged, then variable symptoms are practically inevitable.

Pain in the groin area is common, but can also creep across the hip and down each buttock. The discomfort that stems from a labral tear is felt at its worst after exercise or any other vigorous activities. As time’s onward march continues, and without treatment, this pain will become more prevalent throughout less strenuous movements, such as resting or sleeping.

Hip Impingement

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (4)

The fancy latin name that your MD may use for this condition is (deep breath) Femoroacetabular Impingement. Sounds complex, right?

Hip impingement refers to intermittent pain and a dull ache around the hip and groin, and sharp pain after any form of movement – such as putting on shoes, getting out of a chair, or pivoting while getting dressed.

An impingement can occur after abnormal contiguity between the hip bone and its joints, often stemming from results caused by labral tears or hip osteoarthritis. The subsequent pain can shoot down from the hip to the front of your thigh, and also your knee.

Once the condition reaches a certain stage, without the proper treatment, the discomfort is inflamed by driving and sitting.

Iliopsoas Bursitis

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (5)

Another scary sounding condition, but it’s nothing that can’t be fixed! The iliopsoas bursa sounds like a distant solar system, but the term refers to a small fluid-filled sac that sits in the front of your hip. If this sac becomes inflamed, it can cause serious pain in the groin and when moving your knee.

It’s not just the front of your hip where these sacs reside, with one also located on the side of the hip joint. As you could imagine, this pain radiates with ferocious consequences upon applying any form of pressure on the hip, and will channel that pain down the side of your thigh.

Look away if you are squeamish, but one domino-effect from this condition is Snapping Hip Syndrome, where clicking and snapping takes place upon moving the hip and joints. Not only can this snap be felt, but it can also be heard. And while on that subject…

External Snapping Hip

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (6)

Certain causes of hip/leg pain can start from the side of the hip and work its way down through the thigh. One such cause is External Snapping Hip. Basically, this is caused when a tendon or segment of muscles slides across the Great Trochanter (the bone that protrudes from the side) that rests on the femur (your thigh bone).

This causes that alarming noise, and besides the associated pain, applies direct pressure over the Great Trochanter and creates painful sensations down the side of your legs.


I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (7)

This one is often the most common cause of hip pain being funneled down your leg. Sciatica refers to the sciatic nerve that runs between your hip and down each leg. To be exact, it runs down the back or your hip and the front, back, and sides of your leg.

Sciatica pain may be accompanied by tingling or numbness, or even muscle weakness. Sciatica is often associated with an underlying medical condition, such as a herniation of the lumbar disk and the pain may be intermittent or constant, mild or severe. Either way, you should seek assistance from your physical therapist regardless of your pain threshold.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (8)

Ok. Let’s get one thing straight. Chronic hip pain that comes on suddenly (or simply will not go away) and won’t respond to self care must be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Go and see your doctor. If the pain becomes unbearable and you feel in danger, get yourself to the emergency room.

Hip pain can cause other symptoms, too. These include numbness, a lack of feeling in your leg, loss of balance, swelling , nausea, and feverish temperatures. If you have any of these, seek immediate medical assistance. Especially if you have any form of underlying health conditions.

So, how can physical therapy help in all this? An experienced physical therapist will utilize their knowledge to reduce inflammation and pain, and improve your range of motion and physical function.

By following a physical therapy program, you’ll also be able to prevent a recurrence of any sciatica symptoms. Not to mention strengthening your pelvic muscles and keeping everything in place to prevent the conditions mentioned above.

While it’s impossible to restrict the effects of aging, with wear-and-tear of the hip joint being one such factor, physical therapy can keep pain at bay. Rather than becoming dependant on painkillers, which only mask the pain and don’t really solve anything.

A physical therapy plan also helps to improve your posture and core strength, which helps to prevent pain and keep your body in tip-top condition. Then there’s the ability to relieve nerve compression, improve flexibility, and normalize your body mechanics. It all sends signals to the brain that help manage chronic pain, too.

Stretching is all very important in this. And there are some stretches that you can do at home, to help relieve some pain symptoms.

Hip Stretch

If your activities require extensive sitting then stretching the muscles in the back of the hip is an exercise that may help with your symptoms. You can easily perform this stretch in a comfortable seated position.

Sit with your back straight and your legs extended out in front of you. Bring your right ankle up and rest it on your left knee, your right knee is bent and will look like the number four.

Taken both hands and grab behind the right knee and gently pull this toward your chest. You should feel tightness deep in the right buttock. When you feel this tightness, hold the position for 30 seconds and then extend the leg back to the floor. Repeat this stretch three times each leg.

Hamstring Stretch

Stretching the hamstring muscles may release the tension caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve. One simple hamstring stretch may be performed by standing up straight, elevating one foot in front of you and resting it on an object (such as a step) high enough to cause a slight tightness in the back of your leg.

It is important not to raise your foot higher than your hip or high enough to cause a sharp pain in the leg. The top of your foot and knee should face toward the ceiling, and not turned outward.

Once your leg is in this position, put your hands on top of your thigh and gently put downward pressure to maintain nice stretch in your hamstring. Caution: be very careful not to overstretch, because that could aggravate the sciatic nerve. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and then lower the leg back to the floor. You should repeat this exercise three times each leg.

These two stretches can help you release tension and relieve sciatica pain in your buttocks, hips and legs. For best results, practice these exercises regularly for sciatica pain relief.

Do you need more help with your low back pain?
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This is an expanded and updated version of an article from Intecore dating April 12, 2017. You can find the original article here.

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Andrew Vertson

Andrew received his Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from California State University, Fresno in 1991. He then earned his Master’s degree of Physical Therapy in 1996 and his Doctorate degree of Physical Therapy in 2002 from Loma Linda University. In 1996 he also earned his Certification as an Athletic Trainer. He has also completed extensive post-graduate course work in orthopedic manual therapy through Kaiser-West Los Angeles and the Ola Grimsby Institute.

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I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help! (2024)


I Have Pain That Shoots Down My Hip And Leg. Help!? ›

This condition is known as sciatica. The sciatic nerve branches from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and down each leg. Typically, sciatica only affects one side of the body but in certain conditions can affect both. Sciatic nerve pain begins in the back and can radiate towards the hip and down the leg.

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Nerve Pain from the Hip to Leg

This type of pain may be caused due to the irritation of certain lumbar and/or sacral nerve roots, also called sciatica. Musculoskeletal conditions, such as sacroiliac joint dysfunction or piriformis syndrome, may also cause sciatica-like pain.

What helps hip and leg pain? ›

Ice or heat. Use ice cubes or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to apply cold treatments to the hip. A warm bath or shower may help prepare your muscles for stretching exercises that can reduce pain.

How do you know if it's hip pain or sciatica? ›

Hip problems, such as arthritis in your hip, usually cause pain in your groin, or pain when you put weight on your leg or move it around. If your pain starts in your back and moves or radiates toward your hip or down your leg, or you have numbness, tingling or weakness, sciatica is the most likely cause.

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Home Care
  1. Try to avoid activities that make pain worse.
  2. Take over-the-counter pain medicines, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  3. Sleep on the side of your body that does not have pain. ...
  4. Lose weight if you are overweight. ...
  5. Try not to stand for long periods of time. ...
  6. Wear flat shoes that are cushioned and comfortable.

Is walking good for sciatica? ›

Walking is surprisingly effective for relieving sciatica pain because regular walking spurs the release of pain-fighting endorphins and reduces inflammation. Lee JS, Kang SJ. The effects of strength exercise and walking on lumbar function, pain level, and body composition in chronic back pain patients.

How to get rid of sciatica pain permanently? ›

It may even be possible to reverse the issue entirely with physical therapy through a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises. Taking care of your back in this way can go a long way toward longer-lasting relief from discomfort in both the short-term as well as long-term management of sciatica pain.

Should I keep walking with hip pain? ›

Things like going on a daily walk or going swimming will help to improve your general health and take the strain off your hip, by strengthening other muscles in the body. Sometimes people stop exercising once their pain clears up, but when they do it's common for them to start having problems again quite quickly.

What is the best home remedy for leg nerve pain? ›

Alternating heat and ice therapy can provide immediate relief from sciatica nerve pain. Ice helps to reduce inflammation, while heat promotes blood flow to the painful area and eases the pain. First, apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables to the affected area to bring down the pain and swelling.

What is stage 4 hip pain? ›

Stage 4 (the most severe stage): The cartilage is almost gone, which causes chronic inflammation. Pain and stiffness are felt almost all of the time.

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Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. Cold packs. Place a cold pack on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. ...
  2. Hot packs. After 2 to 3 days, apply heat to the areas that hurt. ...
  3. Stretching. Stretching exercises for the low back might provide some relief. ...
  4. Medications.
Jan 31, 2024

Which medicine is best for sciatica pain? ›

Medications for Relief of Pain From Sciatica

Oral medications include: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin], ketoprofen, or naproxen [Aleve]) Prescription muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms.

What is a good painkiller for nerve pain? ›

Tramadol. Tramadol is a powerful painkiller related to morphine that can be used to treat neuropathic pain that does not respond to other treatments a GP can prescribe. Like all opioids, tramadol can be addictive if it's taken for a long time. It'll usually only be prescribed for a short time.

What not to do with hip pain? ›

Avoid exercises involving repetitive hip flexion, the motion involving bringing your hip or leg up toward your chest. If doing squats, keep them shallow and hold off on lunges entirely, until you receive a diagnosis from your doctor. Do not work through pain. When walking or running, pay attention to pain.

How do you sleep with excruciating hip pain? ›

Instead of laying on your side, try to sleep on your back instead for a few nights. It may seem weird at first, but you will adjust after a night or two. If sleeping on your back is not an option, sleep on the side that does not hurt and place a pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned.

What is a red flag for hip pain? ›

Below are some examples of Red flags for Hip pain: History of trauma / falls. Sudden onset. Any swelling / deformity.

What does hip sciatica feel like? ›

It may feel like a mild tingling, dull ache, or burning sensation. In some cases, the pain is severe enough to make a person unable to move. The pain most often occurs on one side. Some people have sharp pain in one part of the leg or hip and numbness in other parts.

How do I know if my hip pain is muscle or joint? ›

Problems within the hip joint itself tend to result in pain on the inside of the hip or the groin. Hip pain on the outside of the hip, upper thigh or outer buttock is usually caused by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that surround the hip joint.

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