How Soon After Implant Surgery Can I Eat Normally? (2024)

Dental implants are a great solution for anyone who wants to restore their smile and get a confidence boost. While dental implant surgery is a routine procedure, there will be some recovery aftercare needed, especially when it comes to eating food. You will be able to eat normally about a week after your dental implant surgery, and a return to a regular diet should be gentle and easy. It will also be gradual during the first 12 hours after the procedure.

If you are considering dental implant surgery, schedule a virtual consultation with cosmetic dentist Dr. Michaela Tozzi at Michaela Tozzi, DMD in Las Vegas, NV.

What happens the first 12 hours after my dental implant surgery?

The area where you received your implant will feel numb for a few hours after the procedure. Stick with soft foods for the first six hours after the procedure. Soft foods, like applesauce, yogurt, and smoothies, are useful if you avoid anything abrasive. Make sure whatever you consume doesn’t contain seeds, nuts, or anything else that might feel solid. Don’t forget to also chew away from the implant site, as doing so reduces the stress in that area.

You can move on to some firm but solid foods after the first six hours. Some of the things you can eat include pasta, cooked vegetables, and eggs. The implant area should no longer feel numb, but you should still chew away from that spot.

What foods can I eat the first week after dental implant surgery?

You can start going back to a regular diet after the first 12 hours, but you must be cautious when doing so. You can safely enjoy many foods during that week:

  • Proteins like eggs, chicken, fish, and ground beef are useful, especially if they are cooked and not firm.
  • Healthy carbohydrates can include sweet potatoes, oats, and bananas.
  • You can also enjoy dairy products, like protein shakes or yogurt.
  • Be sure to also remain hydrated and drink water throughout the day.

Avoid missing a meal, as the healing process will go faster if you consume your meals as usual. You can also start chewing near the implant site, but do not chew too hard in that area.

What foods should I avoid the first week after dental implant surgery?

Dr. Michaela Tozzi wants to ensure you’re taking the recovery process with care. Be sure to also avoid these foods during the first week after the surgery:

  • Do not use any straws when drinking.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages, as they are acidic and may harm the implant.
  • Avoid crunchy, sticky, and other abrasive foods that might get in the way of the implant. These include seeds, chips, and other hard foods.
  • Tomatoes and oranges are acidic and can harm the area.
  • Hot or spicy foods can irritate. Do not consume hot soup, coffee, tea, or assorted hot peppers.

What happens after the first week?

You will be ready to eat normally after the first week following the procedure. The timing ensures you’ll receive the help you need. But make sure you observe how well the area around your implant responds to your regular diet. The area should stop swelling and bleeding but watch for any concerns and contact us if you have any worries.

Where can I find out more information about dental implants in Las Vegas, NV?

At Michaela Tozzi, DMD in Las Vegas, NV, we are dedicated to giving you the care you deserve during your dental implant surgery. After the procedure, you’ll be back to your normal dietary routine within a few short weeks. If you are in the Las Vegas or Henderson, NV area and want to improve your smile with dental implants, contact us today to learn more about how Dr. Michaeala Tozzi can serve your needs.

How Soon After Implant Surgery Can I Eat Normally? (2024)


How Soon After Implant Surgery Can I Eat Normally? ›

Most people can eat normally a week following dental implant surgery. However, this timeline varies from person to person. It may take longer for your mouth to heal and you may need 10 days before you can return to a normal diet.

When can you eat normally after dental implant? ›

There is no single definitive answer, as recovery times from dental implant surgery can vary from person to person. Generally speaking, because your gums are likely to be a bit swollen and tender, a soft food or liquid diet is recommended for the first 48 hours after surgery.

How long does it take for your mouth to heal after implant surgery? ›

After a week, your mouth will have healed significantly, and you can start brushing your implant site directly. You can also start eating pretty much any food you want, though you still should chew hard, tough, and crunchy foods on the opposite side of your mouth. After 2 weeks, most patients are fully recovered.

What are the restrictions after dental implants? ›


Eat a liquid diet for the first 6 hours following the surgery unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Avoid strenuous work or exercise (heavy lifting, jogging, tennis, aerobics, and sit-ups) for at least 1 week after surgery.

Can I eat pizza after dental implant? ›

It usually takes approximately a week for individuals to resume their normal eating habits following dental implant surgery. Until then, avoid hard, crusty bread and pizza crusts.

Can I eat immediately after dental implant surgery? ›

Immediately after surgery, we recommend eating smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, creamy soups and broth, and other such soft/liquid foods.

What can you not do after getting the implant? ›

Avoid any heavy lifting for 7 days. If you notice any swelling, redness, or weeping from the implant site, please contact us on 01709 427777. Continue pills/condoms for a further 7 days. Any unprotected sex during this time will require emergency contraception.

How do you know your dental implant is healing well? ›

After about 2 weeks, your implant site should feel almost completely normal. The gum near the implant may be a little bit tender, but you shouldn't be feeling any significant pain. You should be able to eat and brush completely normally.

Can I eat ice cream after dental implant? ›

On the other hand, most dentists recommend eating yogurt, ice cream, pudding, or mashed potatoes immediately after getting dental implant surgery. The following week after surgery, you can consume foods that require little chewing, like pancakes, macaroni, and cheese.

Do you lose weight after dental implant surgery? ›

Posted August 29, 2023 . Dental implant surgery does not directly cause weight loss, as it primarily addresses tooth replacement without affecting metabolism.

What are the do's and don'ts after dental implants? ›

For the first 24 hours after dental implants, be sure to avoid overly hot or cold food and drinks and avoid drinking from a straw. Most importantly, only eat soft foods for the first 24 hours after having the dental implants procedure.

Why am I so tired after dental implant? ›

Upon receiving your implants, you may feel tired and groggy, but don't worry; this is completely normal. Between the effects of the anesthesia and the invasiveness of the surgery, your body isn't used to each of these things. That's why it's a good idea to have someone there to take you home after your appointment.

Is salt water rinse good for implants? ›

Keeping your mouth clean after surgery is essential to reduce the risk of infection. Start rinsing your mouth with warm salt water (1/2 tsp. salt with 1 cup water) every 2-3 hours. Continue this for several days, then rinse 3-4 times a day for the next 2 weeks.

How long does it take for your body to adjust to implants? ›

Negative side effects usually go away after a few months, once your body gets used to your implant. You can use our birth control app to keep track of the side effects you may be having. The most common side effect is irregular bleeding (aka spotting), especially in the first 6-12 months.

Can dental implants heal in 2 months? ›

Depending on the quality of the bone and the size of the implants, initial healing may take 7-10 days, but the implant will fully integrate into the bone and be ready for the restorative phase of your therapy in 3-6 months! In addition, lifestyle choices may significantly impact your dental implant healing time.

Why do implants take so long to heal? ›

In the bone remodeling phase, the body removes the initial bone it built around the implant and replaces it with stronger bone. Eventually, the bone around the implant is as sturdy as any bone in the body. This is a slower process, and can take months.

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