41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (2024)

After a long year mostly spent inside, with chocolate, chips and other snacks always at arm's reach, a detox couldn't come at a better time. The word might make you think of fasting and juicing but there's more to it. Use wholesome, naturally detoxifying ingredients, and you won't feel deprived.

Now, if you'd like a detox meal plan, we have them here, here, and here. But if you'd rather have a list of recipes that allows you to put together your own custom detox plan, then you're in the right place. We've gathered some of our best detox recipes for every meal of the day, so you can pick and choose whatever suits you.

Scroll down for 41 detox recipes you can use to customize your menu to your liking:

41 Detox Recipes for Your Skin, Gut + Liver

41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (1)

Detox Breakfast Recipes

One way to help your body detox is to skip breakfast, fasting from after dinner to lunchtime the next day. But some people just need that morning meal to fuel their day. If this sounds like you, here are some healthy breakfasts for a fresh start:

1. Whipped Berry Detox Porridge // Begin the day with a light, filling, and detoxing breakfast. This porridge is rich in fiber, which helps the body cleanse naturally.

2. Spring Detox Green Smoothie // After a long winter of (occasional?) indulgence, spring comes along with fresh produce that are perfect for detoxing. Think baby kale, cucumber, cilantro and pineapple for your next smoothie!

3. Green Detox Smoothie // This green smoothie with spinach, green apple, and lime is the perfect detox drink after you've overindulged during the holidays.

4. Detox Probiotic Smoothie // The digestive system can always benefit from probiotics, and this kefir-based smoothie is just what it needs!

5. 24-Hour Detox: Strawberry Kale Smoothie // This strawberry kale smoothie is a sure way to start your detox by getting your first dose of greens for the day.

6. Nut-Free, Grain-Free, Gluten-Free Muesli // No nuts, no grains, no gluten - just a tasty bowl of cereal with detoxifying benefits that your body craves.

7. Cherry Protein Smoothie Bowl // Smoothies may just be the easiest healthy meal you can make in a jiffy. But hands down my favorite combination is frozen cherries, kale, yogurt, a little almond butter, and cinnamon.

8. Spirulina Breakfast Pudding // This spirulina chia pudding is loaded with antioxidants and soluble fiber to help stimulate your body’s natural detox process. Use any leftover spirulina for a face mask!

9. SugarDetoxMe Coconut Pancakes // Recipes like these Coconut Pancakes, from Summer Rayne Oakes' SugarDetoxMe cookbook, make it easy to cut added sugars out of your diet.

Detox Lunch Recipes

Not having a lunch prepped and ready to go is probably one of the easiest ways to derail any eating plan—especially when there are leftover treats in the office kitchen. All of these recipes can be made in advance and some make enough servings to last you all week long! Plus you'll actually look forward to eating them!

41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (2)

10. Detox Taco Wraps with Pumpkin Seed Paté // How do you make tacos detoxifying? With clean-eating ingredients like cucumbers, sprouts, and carrots, that take great care of your body, helping get rid of nasty toxins that build up from eating junk.

11. Creamy Beet Detox Soup // This raw detox beet soup is ideal for summer months, when no one wants to turn on the stove. If beet is not your thing, try spinach or carrot instead!

12. Detox Wrap with Sunflower Seed Spread // Healthy lunch just got a whole easier (and tastier!). These wraps are made with sunflower seed spread, which pack tons of protein and vitamin E, protecting the body against toxins.

13. Rainbow Veggie Salad with Kelp Noodles + Ginger-Lime Dressing // Detox salads don't need to be boring - this one is crunchy and fresh, and the ginger-lime dressing adds tons of flavor.

14. Cauliflower Rice Tabbouleh Salad // Sub the couscous in tabbouleh salad with cauliflower rice for a light, fresh and tasty detox meal.

15. Citrus Avocado Salad // A deceptively simple recipe that's chock full of healthy monounsaturated fat, which is good for the heart and reduces inflammation.

Detox Dinner Recipes

For a dinner, you want something warm and satisfying—even when you're on a detox plan. So we'll skip the salads and opt for nourishing recipes that will keep you full until bedtime without feeling deprived.

41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (3)

16. Zucchini Noodles with Cilantro Pesto // Rather than feeling bloated, like you would from regular pasta, these zucchini noodles satisfy without making you feel bad after. With cilantro pesto and heirloom tomatoes, the recipe cleanses the body of heavy metals and other toxins.

17. Cauliflower Baked Ziti // This recipe is proof that detox recipes can also feel indulgent! The cauliflower baked ziti is amazing for the body, but it doesn't leave you feeling deprived.

18. Healing Carrot Soup // Your body will love the detoxifying combination of carrot, turmeric and ginger in this hearty soup. Perfect for when you need a restart and some pampering.

19. Healing Turmeric and Red Lentils Dhal // This hearty and comforting lentil dhal brings all the detoxifying benefits of turmeric to the table. Turmeric stimulates the natural detox function of the body cells and the liver’s detoxifying enzymes, including the glutathione-S-transferase.

20. Whole30 One-Pan Mexican Chicken // Full of vitamins and flavors, this whole30 recipe is the perfect detox meal for when you don't want to feel deprived.

21. Nourishing Turmeric Curry Bowls with Zucchini Noodles // All the comfort of ramen and curry, in a fusion bowl that's lightened up with zucchini noodles and enriched with healthy herbs and spices.

22. Comforting Cashew Curry // Cashew contains high amounts of copper and manganese, both of which play a key role in the natural detoxification process of our bodies, and energy production.

23. Pesto Baked Salmon with Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts // Cruciferous veggies such as Brussels sprouts, kale, and broccoli make excellent detoxifiers, beingpacked with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that fight free radical damage, and balance hormone production.

24. Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Kale Sauté with Lemon and Sea Salt // Fill up with an easy protein and a tasty side dish of the most potent cruciferous vegetable.

Detox Drink Recipes

Water is nature's detox drink. When you're on any cleanse plan, drink lots of water! Aim for at least 64 ounces. But if you need a little something else, try one of these tasty detox drink recipes.

41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (4)

25. Detox Limeade // Adding chlorophyll to your diet promotes production of liver enzymes to improve detoxification, and cleanses not just the liver, but also the bowel and blood.

26. Liver Love Juice // Show your liver some love with a healthy green juice, made with celery, cilantro, and asparagus, among other spring goodies.

27. Detox Water // Infused water is not just an easy way to hydrate, it's also a chance to detox the internal organs and digestive system. Citrus, cucumber, and ACV are some of the ingredients you can add to give your body a boost.

28. Carrot Blessings Juice // Give your immune system a boost and help the body cleanse with carrot's impressive vitamin A content. A dairy-free smoothie or a veggie juice are the perfect way to do that.

29. Detox Juice Recipes // Introduce these juice recipes in your everyday diet for cleansing the entire body. Apple, beets or celery for the win.

30. Toxin Flush Juice // Get rid of the toxins in your body with the tastiest, freshest combination of watermelon, cucumber, lemon, and mint.

31. Pear Ginger Spinach Detox Juice // Overdid it with the co*cktails last night? This pear ginger spinach juice flushes out the toxins, leaving you feeling less hungover.

32. Chai-Spiced Turmeric Latte // Turmeric is a well-known liver cleanser, helping to purify and tone the liver so it can better expel chemicals from the body and lessen the load on the body’s other detoxification pathways.

33. Immunity-Boosting Kvass // Magnesium, phosphorus, amino acids, vitamins C and B (including the very rare B12), are all found naturally in this delicious fermented drink, originally from Eastern Europe.

34. Golden Milk // Healing milks are perfect for regaining focus, mindfulness and energy. Loaded with spices, protein and healthy fats, they make a perfect elixir for calming the mind and rooting the spirit.

35. Lemon Water Elixir // Detox water doesn't have to be fancy. We use lemon juice, ACV, honey and a dash of sea salt to make a healthy morning elixir that helps with weight loss, too.

Detox Snack Recipes

When you're detoxing, it's best to skip the snacks to give your digestive system a rest between meals. But sometimes you just need something, in which case it's good to be prepared. Here are a few healthy snacks - even healthy chips - that won't derail your clean eating plan.

41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (5)

36. Zucchini Chips with Garlic Bean Free Hummus //Indulge in thesatisfying, salty crunch of zucchini chips and a garlic bean-free dip for a healthy snack without the guilt.

37. Creamy Zucchini and Red Pepper Dip // These two veggie dips make it easy to get your daily serving of vegetables! They're packed with fresh flavor and nutrients.

38. Activated Charcoal Protein Bars // They are absolutely delicious and a great way to add some detoxing benefits from activated charcoal into your diet.

39. Crispy Curry Garlic Carrot Fries // Some veggie fries are better than others and carrot fries are among the best. Crispy, garlicky, and just a little bit spicy, these fries are a winner.

40. Frozen Yogurt with Bee Pollen //If you want to add bee pollen to your diet but you're not sure how, this homemade frozen yogurt with bee pollen and honey makes it easy.

41. Activated Charcoal Gummies // For detox and gut health, these activated charcoal gummy bears work wonders. They're kid-friendly and easy to whip up in no time.


41 Recipes To Detox Your Skin, Gut + Liver (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.