21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (2024)

Though shaky hands and sweaty palms are decidedly unpleasant, most people write them off as harmless (albeit a little embarrassing at times). However, the truth is that sometimes, those hand symptoms can signify more serious health issues that shouldn't be ignored. Whether it's discoloration, swelling, or trouble gripping, here are some hand symptoms that could be a sign of a serious health condition.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (1)

According to Demetri Arnaoutakis, MD, a board-certified surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California, trembling hands can be the result of something as innocent as too much caffeine. But if symptom persists, he recommends seeing your doctor.

"A tremor in just one hand can be the presenting symptom for Parkinson's disease," Arnaoutakis says. "Nearly 80 percent of people who suffer from Parkinson's have a tremor."

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (2)

Overly sweaty hands aren't just embarrassing. They can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism in the form of hyperhidrosis, according to the Mayo Clinic.

"Hyperhidrosis occurs when sweat glands become overactive and produce more sweat than is necessary," Arnaoutakis explains. "Most people who suffer from this only experience it in one or two parts of the body. Common areas include the armpits, palms, or feet."

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (3)

"Anemia occurs when a person doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, Arnaoutakis explains. "Iron deficiency is a common cause of this, but [it] also can be seen in various forms of leukemia."

So what does anemia have to do with your hand health? Well, anemia can lead to pale skin, especially in the hands and nail beds.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (4)

According to Arnaoutakis, firm, yellow bumps over the knuckles could be a sign of a hereditary cholesterol condition called familial hypercholesterolemia. "These yellow bumps, medically termed xanthomas, are fatty deposits that lump together in the hands, elbows, or knees," he explains.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (5)

If you find your hands painfully swollen (especially around your knuckles), that can be a sign of an autoimmune disorder—more specifically, rheumatoid arthritis, notes Daniel Paull, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and founder and CEO of Easy Orthopedics in the Colorado Springs area.

"Rheumatoid arthritis affects the knuckles much more than regular arthritis does and [swelling] can be the first sign that someone has [the illness]," Paull explains. "Fortunately, there are a lot of good RA medications today that help avoid the disfiguring hand complications of the past."

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (6)

A bent middle finger (also known as a Boutonnière deformity) can also be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, according to The American Society For Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). What exactly constitutes a "bent" middle finger? According to the ASSH, it must have the following two characteristics: the finger is bent at the middle joint and is bent backwards at the end joint.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (7)

Don't ignore those indentations in your fingernails. "This can be a sign of an autoimmune disease called psoriatic arthritis, which is related to psoriasis and its rashes," says Paull. The good news? As is the case with RA, there are many medications that can help treat this condition.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (8)

If you're having a hard time gripping objects with your hands, it may be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome, a pinching or compressing of the narrow passageway on the palm side of your wrist.Other signs to look out for include pain or numbness in the hands, a swollen feeling in the fingers, and a burning or tingling sensation.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (9)

If you notice that the muscles in your hands are wasting away, it's likely from nerve compression due to either carpal or cubital tunnel syndrome, says Paull.

"Unfortunately, by the time you notice the wasting [away], there isn't much you can do to get [function] back," he says. "However, most [people] experience numbness and tingling before this, and only a few people have it progress to muscle wasting." Paull also points out that, although it is much rarer, ALS—or Lou Gehrig's disease—also presents with muscle wasting.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (10)

According to Caren Campbell, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in San Francisco, California, redness and peeling around the cuticles can be a symptom of the autoimmune disease lupus. She notes that it "can also present [as] red rashes on sun-exposed areas like the nose and cheeks." And since the illness can involve internal organs and cause renal failure or heart disease, it's best to get any unusual redness or rashes checked out ASAP.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (11)

If you notice brown spots on your palms (as well as on the soles of the feet) that can be a sign of syphilis. "If you've had unsafe sex or suspect you may have been exposed, it's important to [see a doctor], as it can lead to neurologic issues if left untreated," she adds.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (12)

"Vitiligo is a condition [in which] the body's own immune cells attack the pigment-producing cells in the skin," Campbell explains. "Vitiligo presents as white areas of skin which, if it's on the hands, tends to appear over the knuckles or fingertips."

Although it affects other parts of your body, she says the hands are a common area for vitiligo to start because the discoloration often goes to sites of repeated trauma or friction. Campbell notes that "it has been associated with thyroid abnormalities like hyper or hypothyroidism, so getting your thyroid hormone levels checked is important" if you have this discoloration.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (13)

If your fingers blanch (translation: lose color) and then turn blue, purple, or black when you're either cold or under pressure, it could be a symptom of Raynaud's disease. This disorder causes the blood vessels to narrow in certain situations, like when the body temperature is dropping or when you're stressed out. The disease can make your fingers feel cold and numb, sometimes to the extent that moving your hands is somewhat painful.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (14)

Reddish-blue skin patches on the palms of your hands are a symptom of endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of your heart chambers and heart valves. The condition can also cause reddish-brown streaks under the fingernails and small, painful nodules in the pads of your fingers.

If you notice any of these symptoms, don't wait to visit your doctor; if left untreated, this condition can cause heart murmurs and total heart failure.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (15)

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists found that 36 percent of patients with chronic kidney disease had "half-and-half" fingernails, in which the bottom of their nails are white and the tops are brown. If you notice this change in your fingernail coloration, schedule a visit with your doctor.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (16)

If you have a black stripe running down your fingernail, there could be a harmless explanation like bruising, but it's definitely worth getting it checked out by your doctor anyway. Why? This discoloration can be a symptom of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer. The stripe may appear on just one fingernail, or it can be present on several.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (17)

According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, blotchy red palms (also known as palmar erythema) are an "often overlooked physical finding" of liver disease. The study notes that palmar erythema is present in up to 23 percent of patients with liver cirrhosis.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (18)

"While white spots [on the fingernails] can be normal, it can also be an indication that someone is not absorbing enough zinc, is not eating enough of it, or is losing too much of it," explains Byron Pitts, MD, assistant medical director at ParaDocs Worldwide Inc. The doctor notes that people who are predisposed to zinc deficiency—for instance, vegans and patients with Crohn's disease—should pay special attention to their fingernails.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (19)

"Some lung and heart diseases can cause the fingernails to become more round and club-shaped," Pitts says. "While it's not a specific finding, it might be an indication of certain types of lung disease, heart disease, lung cancer, and GI disorders." If you notice this happening to your fingernails, Pitts recommends getting checked out by your doctor.

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (20)

When people are very dehydrated, their skin becomes more stiff. "If you pinch the loose skin on the back of the hand, the skin may remain 'tented' or take longer to go back to laying flat," explains Pitts. "This is a pretty late finding though, and you'd probably already know that you need to drink water."

21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (21)

Tingling or numbness in your hands can be a sign of diabetes. If this symptom is accompanied by other things such as unintended weight loss, blurry vision, dry skin, and fatigue, then it's time to see a doctor, as diabetes is likely the culprit. And for more information about protecting your health, check out the 30 Signs of Deadly Health Conditions Hiding in Plain Sight.

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21 Hand Symptoms That Indicate Bigger Health Problems (2024)


What can hands tell you about your health? ›

The examination of the hand and nails can lead to a number of diagnoses. Some of these include liver disease (Terry's nails), kidney disease (Lindsay's nails), lung disease (nail clubbing), endocarditis and many others.

What diseases affect the hands? ›

5 Common Hand Disorders & Their Treatments
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. One of the most common disorders is carpal tunnel syndrome. ...
  • Arthritis. Arthritis is another one of the most common hand disorders. ...
  • Trigger Finger. ...
  • Dupuytren's Disease. ...
  • Ganglion Cysts.
15 Jan 2020

What is heavy hand syndrome? ›

What are the symptoms of hypothenar hammer syndrome? Symptoms of hypothenar hammer syndrome are a pain over hypothenar eminence and ring finger, pins and needles (paresthesia), loss of sensation, and difficulty holding heavy objects in the affected hand. The fingers become sensitive to cold and they change colour.

What do red palms indicate? ›

Palmar erythema is a skin condition that makes the palms of your hands turn red. It can be hereditary but can also be the result of a variety of health conditions. It's also relatively common during pregnancy. Palmar erythema is also known as liver palms, red palms, or Lane's disease.

Why do doctors squeeze your fingers? ›

It is used to monitor dehydration and the amount of blood flow to tissue.

Can high blood pressure cause hot hands? ›

High blood pressure

Because increased blood flow to an area of the body can make it feel warm, people with high blood pressure may have warm hands or feet.

What are the different hand conditions? ›

In the hands, 4 of the commonest conditions are: trigger finger/thumb, carpal tunnel syndrome, base of thumb arthritis, and Dupuytren's disease.

What are the three main hand deformities? ›

Specific congenital hand differences include the following:
  • Syndactyly. Syndactyly is the most common congenital hand difference. ...
  • Polydactyly. Polydactyly is the presence of more than five digits (poly means many). ...
  • Thumb (Radial) Polydactyly. ...
  • Radial Club Hand. ...
  • Cleft Hand.

What is hand disability? ›

There are five causes of hand disability - (1) Loss of part of the hand (2) LOSS of active movement (3) LOSS of passive movement (4) Impairment of sensation (5) Pain Rarely do these occur singly and often all five causes are present but for ease of des- cription they will be treated separately.

Why do my arms feel heavy and weak? ›

Muscle weakness is commonly due to lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy. It can also occur with long-term conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. There are many other possible causes, which include stroke, multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME).

What can cause weakness in hands? ›

Hand weakness can occur due to a variety of conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, and ganglion cysts. A weakened hand or grip can make everyday tasks much more difficult to complete.

What is nerve compression syndrome? ›

Nerve compression syndrome is the result of nerve irritation or pressure. Carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist is the most common type. Nerve compression syndromes can also affect your lower limbs. You should see your healthcare provider if you experience unexplained limb numbness, pain, tingling or weakness.

What are symptoms of poor liver function? ›

  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Abdominal pain and swelling.
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark urine color.
  • Pale stool color.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
8 Apr 2022

Can you feel your liver with your hand? ›

Your liver is a triangular organ. It's located below your diaphragm, under the lower edge of your right ribcage. You may have an enlarged liver if your doctor can feel it during a physical exam. A typical liver can't be felt with your fingers.

Does fatty liver cause red palms? ›

Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease

Swollen belly. Enlarged blood vessels underneath your skin. Larger-than-normal breasts in men. Red palms.

Why do neurologists look in your eyes? ›

Our eye movements alone can provide insight to the integrity and function of various areas of the brain, including but not limited to your autonomic system, brainstem, parietal and frontal lobes. At CFNC, oculomotor evaluations are very important and they are a crucial part of the examination process.

What is the finger to nose test? ›

The Finger-to-Nose-Test measures smooth, coordinated upper-extremity movement by having the examinee touch the tip of his or her nose with his or her index finger. On one variation of the test, the examiner holds out his or her finger, about an arm's length from the patient.

Why do doctors ask to see your tongue? ›

It's a way to get clues about what's going on in your body before it erupts. Take digestion as an example: The tongue can reveal an imbalance in the digestive system, although it doesn't lead to a specific diagnosis, like irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease.

What is the average blood pressure for a 70 year old? ›

Normal blood pressure for most adults is defined as a systolic pressure of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure of less than 80.

What are the 5 symptoms of high blood pressure? ›

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
  • Blurry or double vision.
  • Lightheadedness/Fainting.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.

When should I worry about tingling in my hands? ›

See your doctor if you experience intermittent numbness or tingling in one or both hands. Get emergency medical care if the numbness: Began suddenly. Follows an injury or accident.

What aggravates Dupuytren's contracture? ›

Dupuytren's contracture is believed to run in families (be hereditary). The exact cause is not known. It may be linked to cigarette smoking, alcoholism, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, or medicines used to treat seizures.

What can cause inflammation in the hands? ›

Hand swelling is typically caused by fluid retention, arthritis, or a rise in your body temperature. Some causes will improve on their own and are not cause for alarm. Others can become more serious and damage the structures of the hand. Hand swelling may also indicate an underlying illness.

What diseases affect finger joints? ›

The base of your thumb, your knuckles, second joint and top joint of your fingers are common sites for hand arthritis. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are common types.

What is the most common hand anomaly? ›

Polydactyly is the most common congenital hand deformity. It affects boys and girls equally. Black children are more likely to have ulnar polydactyly, and Asian and white children are more likely to have radial polydactyly.

What is a claw hand? ›

Claw hand is a condition that causes curved or bent fingers. This makes the hand appear like the claw of an animal. Claw hand is a hand characterized by curved or bent fingers, making the hand appear claw-like.

What are hand deformities called? ›

Congenital anomalies are hand or finger deformities that are present at birth. Any type of deformity in a newborn can become a challenge for the child as he or she grows. Hand deformities can be particularly disabling as the child learns to interact with the environment through the use of his or her hands.

What are 14 major types of disability? ›

The majority of IDEA appropriations are allocated to states by formula to carry out activities under Part B, which covers 14 disability categories: (1) autism, (2) deaf-blindness, (3) deafness, (4) emotional disturbance, (5) hearing impairment, (6) intellectual disability, (7) multiple disabilities, (8) orthopedic ...

What are the 21 types of disabilities? ›

  • Locomotor Disability. Leprosy Cured Person. Cerebral Palsy. Dwarfism. Muscular Dystrophy. Acid Attack Victims.
  • Visual Impairment. Blindness. Low Vission.
  • Hearing Impairment. Deaf. Hard of Hearing.
  • Speech and Language Disability.
25 Apr 2022

What are heavy arms a symptom of? ›

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome:

This condition can involve the nerves of the Brachial Plexus or the blood vessel of the arm. Typically, symptoms of Thoracic Outlet include a general ache in the whole arm, heaviness or a feeling that the muscles of the arm become easily and quickly fatigued.

Can heart problems cause weakness in legs and arms? ›

As a result, people with heart failure often feel weak (especially in their arms and legs), tired and have difficulty performing ordinary activities such as walking, climbing stairs or carrying groceries.

What does MS ARM weakness feel like? ›

A lack of feeling or a pins-and-needles sensation can be the first sign of the nerve damage from MS. It usually happens in the face, arms, or legs, and on one side of the body. It also tends to go away on its own.

What are the warning signs of neuropathy? ›

Some of the symptoms that are most typical of first or early-stage neuropathy include the following:
  • Itchiness.
  • Tingling, prickling, or “pins-and-needles” sensation.
  • Burning sensations.
  • Sudden, intermittent “electric shock” pain.
  • Intermittent muscle spasms or cramping.
  • Hypersensitivity to touch or temperature.
19 Sept 2019

What are the signs of nerve damage? ›

The signs of nerve damage
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Feeling like you're wearing a tight glove or sock.
  • Muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs.
  • Regularly dropping objects that you're holding.
  • Sharp pains in your hands, arms, legs, or feet.
  • A buzzing sensation that feels like a mild electrical shock.

Why do my hands feel weak and numb? ›

Hand numbness can be caused by damage, irritation, or compression of one of the nerves or a branch of one of the nerves in your arm and wrist. Diseases affecting the peripheral nerves, such as diabetes, also can cause numbness, although with diabetes, similar symptoms usually occur first in your feet.

What nerves affect the hands? ›

Three nerves control function in our hands: the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. Each of these nerves is responsible for both sensory and motor function in different parts of the hand.

What part of the hand is affected by median nerve compression? ›

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of the hand. When the median nerve is compressed, symptoms can include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm.

What causes nerve damage in hands? ›

Peripheral nerves can be damaged in several ways: Injury from an accident, a fall or sports, which can stretch, compress, crush or cut nerves. Medical conditions, such as diabetes, Guillain-Barre syndrome and carpal tunnel syndrome.

What can the length of your fingers tell you? ›

In one study, college varsity athletes (male and female) were found to have shorter index fingers than other students. In women, a more masculine digit ratio tends to predict a better sense of direction, backing up past research that found men tend to have better spatial cognition than women.

What do bony hands mean? ›

Someone who has a bony face or bony hands, for example, has a very thin face or very thin hands, with very little flesh covering their bones. ...

What color should the palm of your hands be? ›

The color of a normal palm is a light red or pinkish red with a shiny, smooth texture. If the color appears either darker or lighter than normal, this may indicate that the condition of health is abnormal.

What does it mean if your hands are always cold? ›

Cold hands are often a sign that your body is trying to maintain its regular body temperature. Always having cold hands, however, could mean there's a problem with your blood flow or the blood vessels in your hands.

What happens if second finger is longer than toe? ›

Morton's toe, or Morton's foot, describes the condition where your second toe looks longer than your big toe. It's very common: Some people just have it and others don't. In some people, Morton's toe may increase the chances of calluses forming on the sole of your foot and some other foot pains.

What does a short pinky finger mean? ›

Type #1: Short

A short little finger can be indicative of a few things. You may be shy and reserved, especially around strangers. You have lots of big dreams but can be timid about reaching out and going for them. That said, you shouldn't worry — you have a big heart and a kind soul and can achieve anything you want.

What fingers tell about personality? ›

If your Index finger and Ring finger are the same length, then you are a person who leads a balanced life. You are a caring, faithful, gentle, and well-organized individual. You give a warm vibe who is also known to be a good listener. You gain pleasure in helping others and listening to their problems.

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the hands? ›

Hand Osteoarthritis Symptoms
  • Bumps and lumps. Two types of bony bumps near your finger joints are common. ...
  • Clicking and cracking (crepitus). That's the sound of the surfaces of your joints rubbing against each other as the cartilage breaks down.
  • Swelling and redness. ...
  • Weakness. ...
  • Other physical changes.
26 Apr 2022

How do you tell if you have arthritis in your hands? ›

Early symptoms of arthritis of the hand include joint pain that may feel "dull," or a "burning" sensation. The pain often occurs after periods of increased joint use, such as heavy gripping or grasping. The pain may not be present immediately, but may show up hours later or even the following day.

What are the first signs of arthritis in fingers? ›

Symptoms in the fingers
  • Pain. Pain is a common early symptom of arthritis in the hands and fingers. ...
  • Swelling. Joints may swell with overuse. ...
  • Warm to the touch. Swelling can also cause the joints to feel warm to the touch. ...
  • Stiffness. ...
  • Bending of the middle joint. ...
  • Numbness and tingling. ...
  • Bumps in the fingers. ...
  • Weakness.
17 Aug 2020

What does it mean when your palm is hot? ›

Warmth or burning in both hands may be caused by a rare skin condition called palmar erythema. This condition also causes a splotchy red color on your palms, and sometimes even your fingers. Some cases of palmar erythema have no known cause, or it may be inherited.

What does dark hand lines mean? ›

Saucedo says the deeper and darker the lines on your palm, the more stable that part of you is. For example, a person with a deep heart line indicates resilience or strength in emotions; if it's lighter, then that person might be more sensitive or vulnerable. The length of the lines on your palm tell a story, too.

What does a pink palm mean? ›

Many a times because of being short tempered the person may get distant from others but it is very easy to appease them. The pink colour of the hands also indicate good health. The person will not have stable thought process. The people with pink palm are reliable. Relation with the family will also be good.

What are the symptoms of poor circulation? ›

Plaque buildup, blood clots or narrowed blood vessels can lead to poor circulation.
What are the symptoms?
  • Muscles that hurt or feel weak when you walk.
  • A “pins and needles” sensation on your skin.
  • Pale or blue skin color.
  • Cold fingers or toes.
  • Numbness.
  • Chest pain.
  • Swelling.
  • Veins that bulge.
27 Sept 2021

Can high blood pressure cause cold hands and feet? ›

Poor circulation can make your feet cold. (It's possible to get peripheral artery disease without having diabetes. Smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and age all raise your chances of getting the condition.) Your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, might be to blame for your cold feet.

What causes poor circulation? ›

The most common conditions include obesity, diabetes, heart conditions and arterial issues. In fact, poor circulation can be a sneaky symptom of a serious vascular condition called Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).

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